Saturday, September 22, 2007

R.I.P Dell Inspiron 2500

A Posthumous Eulogy for my dearly departed laptop computer. I'm writing this from a library computer

Around Late June early July, My six year old Dell Inspiron Laptop bit the dust and went to the cyber graveyard. A fried motherboard was the cause of death.

Good times I had with that computer. Lots of Good times Writing novels, screenplays, short stories, movie reviews and blog posts, DVDs on Saturday night and Mp3s.

Due to the loss of my computer I’m out of the writing game for a while. Cooling my heels until I can save up money for a replacement unit. How Long? Not Long. I hope to be back soon ,making posts and promoting POD books.

R.I.P Dell Inspiron 2500 You will be missed.

Now if someone would give me some info on how to get the information off the hard drive it would be greatly appreciated....

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